Jiangshi x Daoshi

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Jiangshi x Daoshi

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僵尸 x 道士 / キョンシー×タオシー / 僵尸x道士 キョンシー×タオシー
release date: July 17, 2020
platform: PC
genre: Action / Adventure / Casual
developer: Dendo Denkido
publisher: Fruitbat Factory

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Prepare to be blown away! Jiangshi x Daoshi is an epic story of Chinese vampires, dao priests, assassins and immortals, told in a spectacularly animated visual novel format.

When former assassin Luan is attacked by man-eating creatures, he is saved from certain death by a wandering dao priest, Ling Ling. At that time, neither of them know what tribulations yet await them.

Breathtakingly animated action
Explosions that cut mountains in half
Sexy assassins of both sexes
Blood, gore and humor

Includes Jiangshi x Daoshi Episode I - Boy Meets Girl, and Episode II - The Fable of the Fake Elixir of Life.

Not for the faint of heart - you have been warned!
